2,500 Children and 6,000 Games: CoinsPaid’s Support for the Aris FC Academy


CoinsPaid, a recognised crypto payment provider, and the Aris Children’s Football Academy in Cyprus have reviewed the preliminary results of their partnership.

For four years, CoinsPaid has been a partner of the Academy, supporting 2,500 children who have graduated or are currently studying there. During this time, the Academy’s youth and children’s teams have participated in 6,000 official games.

Aliaksandr Minin, Director of ARIS Academy, stated: “We deeply value the support of our partners, as their contributions enable rapid growth for our young players. Enrollment in our groups is expanding exponentially, turning the Academy into a thriving community. Together with our partners at CoinsPaid, we are building a self-sustaining European club, nurturing students from as young as three to our U-19 graduates, who have a direct path to the main team. Aris is an inclusive project, too, with 60 children from single-parent families and 40 children with special needs in our teams.”

Angelos Stavrinou, a player on the Aris Football Academy’s U15B team, shared, “Our classes at the Academy are my favourite time of day. I happily rush here from school and am glad I have my coach, who always helps. My favourite footballer is Lionel Messi. I don’t know if I could be as cool as he is, but I would like to.”

Alexander Pisarevsky, Marketing and PR Director at CoinsPaid, commented: “Our cooperation with Aris has been a true partnership for four years, yielding meaningful results. At CoinsPaid, we see these young players as future leaders who will shape tomorrow’s world, including its financial landscape. We resonate with the Academy’s dynamic philosophy of growth and success, and we’re proud to support this initiative. Even if not all players become professional athletes, the Academy provides them with excellent physical development, a commitment to a healthy lifestyle, and lifelong friends.”

About Aris

Founded in 1930, the Aris Football Club and Academy have operated in Cyprus (Limassol), cultivating a rich history in youth development.

About CoinsPaid

CoinsPaid is a high-expertise software company, recognized for flagship projects like CryptoProcessing, a leading crypto payment solution. It’s a premier fintech employer, empowering professionals to realise their ambitions.

Φωτογραφία της ημέρας


Χανγκζού, Κίνα: Εναέρια άποψη γιγάντιων μοτίβων σε σχήμα δέντρων στον παγωμένο ποταμό Κιαντάνγκ κατά την ανατολή του ηλίου, μετά την υποχώρηση της παλίρροιας στην επαρχία Τζετζιάνγκ. Εν μέσω συνεχιζόμενου ψύχους, σχηματίστηκαν φυσικά μοτίβα που θυμίζουν δάσος στις παγωμένες λασπώδεις εκτάσεις, γνωστά και ως «παλιρροϊκά δέντρα». VCG/Getty Images

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